Terms and Conditions
Agreement to Use CLC Website
An agreement entered into between the Member and Authority of CLC Website
1. Interpretation.—In these agreement, unless there is anything contrary to the subject or context, the following words and phrases shall bear the following meanings:
(a) ‘Act’ means the Tatha o Jogajog Projukti Ain, 2006 (Act No. 39 of 2006) [the Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006] as applicable in Bangladesh.
(b) ‘Authority’ means the authority of Chancery Research and Consultants Trust (hereinafter referred as CRC-Trust) who are also the legal owner of the website.
(c) ‘used for Commercial purpose’ means the use of direct or indirect use of any part of this website for sale, resale, solicitation, rent, or lease of a service, or any use by which the member expects a profit or financial gain or reward either through commission, salary, or fee or whatever name it is called.
(d) ‘Data’ means data or information in any format, whether existing at the time of registration or not, which is communicated or transmitted to the Member in accordance with a Service.
(d) ‘law’ means the laws as applicable in Bangladesh.
(e) ‘Member’ means any member classified in article 2 of this Agreement and also includes its plural form.
(f) 'Parties' means and includes the Members and the Authority.
(g) ‘Payee’ means a person who has completed the membership registration form and paid the subscription fee and because of any reason membership cannot be offered.
(h) ‘Service’ means and includes all services provided by www.clcbd.org under different button like 'Home', 'About Us', 'Background', 'News', 'Team', 'Clients', 'Contact Us', 'Announcements', 'Blog', 'Judgments', 'Chat', 'Directory', 'Journal', ‘International Instruments’, ‘Bangladesh Laws’, 'Resources', 'Events', 'Forum', and 'Dictionaries' etc.
(i) ‘website’ means the website which can be found in: www.clcbd.org.
2. Categories of Membership.—(1) For the purpose of use of services, members are classified in the following categories-
(a) student;
(b) individual;
(c) academic institution and NGO;
(d) organizations for profit, foreign institutions and commercial establishments and
(e) statutory bodies of government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
(2) In case of institutional members, be it academic institution, NGOs, organizations for profit, foreign institutions and commercial establishments or Statutory Bodies of Government, ‘member’ includes the specific number of account(s) for which the institutional members paid the subscription fee.
3. Registration and Cancellation of
Membership, etc.—(1) The Registration is a two stages process. Firstly, you have
to fill in the Online Registration Form and Secondly, you have to pay subscription fee either by
cash or cross cheque in favour of Chancery Research and Consultants Trust:
Provided that payment of subscription fee does not guarantee membership and CRC-Trust reserves the right to accept or reject membership:
Provided further that payment once made cannot be returned and student and individual membership cannot be substituted or transferred to.
(2) If you complete both the two stages and pay the subscription fee and if CRC-Trust considers not to accept you as a member, your payment will be returned to the address you mentioned in the application form:
Provided that in case of payment of subscription fee in cash, it is the responsibility of the payee to collect the fee from the office of CRC-Trust in person.
4. Responsibilities of Member.—(1) By accessing or using any of the Services, the Member acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
(2) By accessing and subscribing to the website, the member acknowledges and agrees to be of legal age to form a binding contract and are not a person barred from receiving Services under the existing laws of the land.
(3) A member is granted non-exclusive, non-transferrable, limited rights to share, copy, distribute and transmit any content of this website [www.clcbd.org] for non-commercial and research purposes only. In doing so, a member shall not alter, transform, or build upon any content and shall also duly acknowledge the contribution of the website. Any unpermitted use or reproduction of content of this Website for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement liable to legal action.
(4) The member acknowledges and agrees to provide true, accurate and complete information about himself as prompted by membership registration form and supporting documents and maintain and promptly update the Subscription Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete:
Provided that if any information is provided that is false, incorrect, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, CLC-Trust has reasonable grounds to suspect such information as false, incorrect, inaccurate, not current or incomplete:
Provided further that in such cases, the authority reserves the rights to suspend or terminate membership and refuse to allow any or all feature of the website, for which a member cannot claim any damages.
(5) Each Member is assigned a unique user name and password for the authorised use of the Member only. These are not transferable, and the Member shall keep them strictly confidential and secure. If the user name and password are transferred or shared, the member will automatically be blocked to further use the website.
(6) The Member agrees not to set any robot, crawlers or software agents to retrieve the contents of the CLC website.
(7) The Member shall indemnify the Authority against any unauthorised use of his/her user name and password, including use by a third party where the Member has allowed or facilitated that third party to have access to any Data received in conjunction with any of the Services, however so received.
(8) The Member shall indemnify the Authority against all costs, claims, demands or expenses incurred by or made against the Authority as a result of any breach of these Terms and Conditions or howsoever arising.
(9) In case of academic institution and NGOs and organizations for profit, foreign institutions and commercial establishments and statutory bodies of government, it is the responsibility of the respective organisation to inform the Authority in case of change in substitution of membership, etc.
(10) As the membership subscription fee is annual, the Authority shall send automatically generated e-mails to inform the member of the renewal of subscription fee before the expiry of membership date. If the member fails to renew the subscription fee, the authority reserves the right to postpone the membership, unless instructed by the member:
Provided that once the member pays the renewal fee his membership will be activated again subject to the new rate of subscription.
5. Liabilities of Authority.—(1) The Authority, its agents or representatives shall have no liability whatsoever to the Member for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or special loss or damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred by the member (whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, and whether arising from the negligence, breach of contract, defamation, infringement of copyright or other intellectual rights) caused by use of www.clcbd.org or from the negligence of its employees or agents or licensors, and whether asserted against the Authority or against any third party in relation to the use of Services.
(2) The Authority does not make any representation or give any warranty, either express or implied:
(a) in relation to any information, goods or services offered, accessed or obtained through the website;
(b) in relation to warrantees of title, non infringement of copyright or patent rights of others, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose;
(c) for the content, accuracy, integrity, lawfulness or otherwise of information on websites over which Centaur has no control;
(d) as to the suitability of the information and data on www.clcbd.org site for any particular purpose;
(e) that the information and data on www.clcbd.org site is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.
(3) The Authority and its agents or representatives do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to, or included on, or linked from or to www.clcbd.org site or services.
(4) Although every care is taken in the preparation of information supplied by www.clcbd.org and www.clcbd.org services, the Authority is not responsible for any loss suffered as a result of any action taken or refrained from being taken as a result of any information contained in www.clcbd.org site or supplied by www.clcbd.org.
(5) The Authority may give special offer to specific member regarding the subscription rate or use of the website and no member shall have the right to question in any way regarding the offer or can claim similar offer as of right.
6. Privacy Policy.—The Authority ensures that the privacy of the members will strictly be maintained and will not be shared unless the law permits.
7. Trademarks and Intellectual Property.—All rights in “www.clcbd.org ” or other marks owned by the Authority are copyrighted and reserved. Therefore cannot be used for any purpose without the permission of the Authority.
8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.—The provision of the Services is governed by the laws of Bangladesh and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Bangladeshi Courts.
9. Amendment.—The Authority reserves the right to vary or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time even without prior notice.
10. Miscellaneous.—(1) The Authority reserves the right to prohibit access by person(s) to the Services at its sole discretion.
(2) The Authority reserves the right to remove, alter, change or vary the Services at any time without notice.
(3) In case of any dispute arising out of this Agreement, the parties to this agreement shall try to settle that pacifically.