Honourable retired Judges of the Subordinate Courts (Joint District Judges and above) and Judges of the Supreme Court
We really value your expertise and commitment to the legal profession and therefore if you feel to contribute the legal system of Bangladesh even after your retirement from the Judgeship, we have some exciting offer for you.
Therefore, you are cordially invited to forward your CV at ershadulkarim@gmail.com or info@clcbd.org or visit the office of Chancery Research and Consultants Trust (CRC- Trust) to encourage us. The address of CRC-Trust is-
Chancery Research & Consultants- Trust
Meherba Plaza (15th floor)
33, Topkhana Road, Dhaka -1000
Fax: +880 27173219; +880 29560210
Tel: +880 2 9551233 ; +880 2 7173218 ; +880 2 9553741
E-mail: info@clcbd.org