Glossary - K

Displaying 31-40 of 67 results.
KhalaDissolution of the marriage at the suit of the wife, in which she agrees to make her husband compensation...230
KhalifThe successor to sovereign power, especially applied to the successors of Mohammad, who united the characters...209
KhalimahThe Muhammadan confession of faith: “There is but not Got, and Muhammadan is the Prophet of God.”...196
KhandanOrdinarily the word khandan which corresponds with the English expression ‘family’ means a group...224
KhankahA Mohammadan shrine. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]196
KharachExpenditure, disbursement, the debit side of an account paper.[Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]195
Kharij dakhilaA rent receipt in respect of a separated portion of the tenancy.[Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]199
Kharij JamaThe word imports that the owner of the Kharil jama is an independent proprietor. [AIR 1926 Pat 152]233
Kharij-NamaA deed of separation or division , a deed for the partition of a joint estate, or for the separation...227
KhasPrivate, peculiar, particular, proper. Revenue collected immediately by Government without the agency...176