Glossary - M

Displaying 61-70 of 99 results.
MourasiSuccession from generation to generation; signifies permanent tenure. [56 Cal 180]201
Mouzasee Mauza.185
Muafi, MuaafiRemitted, exempted from payment of rent or tax. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]197
MuafidarA holder of rent-free land, a grantee. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]253
MuatabRespectable, worthy of confidence, a person of credit; one who is responsible for the sufficiency of...199
MubaratSeparation by mutual consent. Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent, putting away a wife, dissolving...203
Muchalaka, Muchalka, MuchalikaA written agreement; a bond; a deed; a promise not to do something. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]...1436
MuezzinThe officer who chants the Azan. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]180
Mufassal AdalatFormerly a provincial court of justice. [Wilson’s Glossary]208
Mufassal talukA subordinate, or dependent division of a district or estate. [Wilson’s Glossary]188