Glossary - S
Displaying 151-160 of 169 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Stridharma | The duty of a wife or of a woman in general. [Wilson’s Glossary] | 222 |
Subah | A province, such as Bengal. | 199 |
Subahdar | The Governor of a province or district; a Viceroy. Subahdar is also the name of an officer in the native... | 218 |
Subahdari-parwana | An order issued by a Subahdar; a vicerigal assignment of revenue. [Wilson’s Glossary] | 329 |
Subahdarry abwab | The imposts or cesses of the Subahdah or viceroy. Viceroyal imposts of Jaffier Khan, Soujah Khan, Aliverdi... | 209 |
Sud | Interest or profit. Interest, profit, usury; an extra tax exacted from the cultivators in Bengal under... | 233 |
Sudder Dewanny Adawlut | See Sadr-diwani-adalat. | 188 |
Sudder Nizamut Adawlut | See Sadr-nizamat-adalat. | 228 |
Sufi | Wise; the name of a sect who outwardly conform to Islam, but have adopted a mystical pantheism resembling... | 219 |
Sulka | Marriage fee; money or property given to the bridegroom or bride at the time of marriage of Hindus. [Mitra’s... | 277 |