Glossary - S

Displaying 11-20 of 169 results.
Sadr-diwani-adalatThe chief Civil Court under the East India Company. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]229
SagaiA form of marriage prevalent among low caste Hindus. It is an informal ceremony of marriage and is recognized...211
Sagotro sapindaA kinsman by common descent who is also connected by obsequial offerings. [Wilson’s Glossary]211
Sagotro, SagotraA kinsman, one allied by community of name and descent, a gentile relation. [Wilson’s Glossary]  ...203
Saheb, sahib, shahebA lord, a master. The word is often affixed to titles expressive of rank, as Raja Saheb, Collector Saheb....256
SahibahA lady, mistress, madam. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]199
SahodaraRelated by libations of water to diseased kinsmen; brother. [Wilson’s Glossary]   Uterine brother,...222
SahodariA sister by the same mother. [Wilson’s Glossary]191
Said-zada, Saiyd-zadaThe descendent of a Said, or of Mohammad. [Wilson’s Glossary]191
Said, SaiydA lord, a chief; a designation assumed by a number of Mohammadans who pretend to be descended from Hosain,...246