Glossary - F

Displaying 11-20 of 20 results.
FatiahThe opening Surah or chapter of the Koran; it is read for dying person, wherence the world has come to...206
FaujdariCriminal as opposed to diwani or civil.195
Faujdari-AdalatA criminal court.357
FazarThe first prayer of Musalman day.211
FetwahSee Fatawa. A judicial decision, a written opinion on a point of law; especially that delivered by the...203
FiristiFiristi is a list showing therein entry of the documents to be adduced as evidence in a particular case...776
FollokTwo pieces of bamboo used for pressing the limbs by way of torture. [45 DLR (HCD) (1993) 142]241
Foujdari or FoujdarryThe office or jurisdiction of a Foujdar or criminal Magistrate or Judge. Anything appertains to a Foujdar,...230
Foujdarry CourtA court for administering the criminal law. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]228
Futwa or futwah(see Fatawa) A judicial decree, sentence, order or judgment: particularly when delivered by a Mufti or...397