Glossary - I

Displaying 11-20 of 27 results.
IjmaAn assemblage, a Court; a dogmatic opinion deliveredby a council of doctors.[P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The...182
IjmaliHeld in common (as an estate) undivided, not partitioned, settled in common with two or more parties....212
Ikhtiar-namaA power of attorney. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]208
Ikrar-namaA deed of assent or acknowledgment in general. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]579
Ikrar, IqrarAgreement, promise, acknowledgement or assent. The word is often interpreted as agreement. [AIR 1923...220
IlahiDivine; the title of the era instituted by the emperor Akbar, commencing with the first year of his reign,...224
IlanAnnouncing, proclaiming, making kwon.[P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]195
ImamA head or chief in religious matters, whether he be the head of all Mohammadans, as the Khalif, or the...200
Imambara or ImambarahA building in which the festival of the Moharram is celebrated and services in commemoration of the deaths...220
ImamiaThe Shia sect, from their recognising the twelve Imams. [Wilson’s glossary]177