Latin Terms and Phrases - D

Latin Terms and Phrases - D

Displaying 11-17 of 17 results.
Dominion directumThe qualified ownership of a landlord, not having possession or use of property but retaining ownership....256
Dominion utileThe property rights of a tenant. While not owning the property in a legal sense, the tenant, as having...503
Donatio mortis causa A death-bed gift, made by a dying person, with the intent that the person receiving the gift shall keep...330
Duces tecum Bring with you. Used most frequently for a species of subpoena (as in "subpoena duces tecum") which seeks...248
Dum casta For so long as she remains chaste. Separation agreements years ago used to contain dum casta clauses...284
Dum solaFor so long as she remains unmarried234
Dum viduaFor so long as she remains a widow.244