Latin Terms and Phrases

Latin terms and phrases are crucial in the study of law and in the interpretation of statutes in any jurisdiction. Presentation of these terms and phrases in lucid and plain languages is also very important and obviously helpful for the people having interest on law. The matter deserves more appeal in countries like Bangladesh where there are lack of ready-made and available resources in the market. In this segment, equivalent English meaning of different Latin terms and phrases as frequently used in the study of law are considered in plain and lucid language.

Latin Terms and Phrases

Displaying 31-40 of 119 results.
Ex gratiaOut of kindness, voluntary.323
etc. / Et ceteraOther things of that type.306
Delegatus non potest delegare One of the pivotal principles of administrative law: that a delegate cannot delegate. In other words,...396
Ejusdem generis Of the same kind or nature. It is one of the popular instruments of statutory interpretation that where...342
Void.Of no legal effect.221
Non compos mentisNot of sound mind / unsound242
Nemo debet bis vexari, si constat curiaeNo man should be vexed twice over for the same cause.271
Ex turpi causa non oritur actioNo action arises on an immoral contract.326
viz., videlicet.Namely.292
Caveat venditorLet the seller beware.332