Glossary - A

Displaying 51-60 of 93 results.
Amil-darA collector, or contractor for, the revenue; used as synonymous with Amil, an inaccuracy for Amal-dar....225
Amil-namaA written order or warrant to an Amil, a communication to take possession of land in the name of the...207
AmildariThe district or estate for the revenue of which the Amil was responsible.[Wilson’s Glossary]219
AminA revenue surveyor, land measurer, etc. [Baden Powell’s Land System in British India]188
Amin daftarAn office in which the accounts of Amins were audited; the recorded or registered accounts.[Wilson’s...222
Amin-fauzdarA revenue assessor of a pargana under the Mughal Empire.[Baden Powell’s Land System in British India]219
AmirA nobleman, a Mohammadan of high rank. [Wilson’s Glossary]198
Amla, Umla, AmlahAgents; officers Government collectively; head native officer of a judicial or revenue court under the...232
Ana, AnnaThe sixteenth part of a taka.175