Glossary - M

Displaying 1-10 of 99 results.
MadiA rice- field, a garden bed. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]313
MadrasaA College, an academy. [Wilson’s Glossary]   A place for reading, a school. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s...363
MafiRemitted, free, applied to lands exempt from the payment of revenue. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]360
MaghA Bengali Calendar month.317
Maghrib namazThe fourth prayer of Musalman day.329
MahajanA great man; a merchant; a banker; a moneylender; a creditor. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]343
MahalA house; an estate; a tract of land. [Mitra’s Legal & Commercial Dictionary]321
MahaldarAn officer in charge of the revenue and police of a district. [Wilson’s Glossary]338
MahallaA division of a town, a quarter, a ward. [Wilson’s Glossary]326
MaharaniA queen either in her own right or as wife of a Raja. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]341