Labour and Industrial Law

Displaying 61-70 of 160 results.
TitleLaws Referred
General Manager, BD Cable Shilpa Ltd. Vs. Chairman, Khulna Labour Court & ors, 1980, 9 CLC (AD)
General Manager, Bogra Cotton Spinning Co. Ltd. Vs. Chairman, Rajshaht Labour Court & another, 1979, 8 CLC (AD)s. 18 (7), the Employment of Labour (Standing Orders) Act, 1965 [Now stands repealed]
General Manager, Urea Fertilizer Fac¬tory, Ghorashal, Palash, Dacca Vs. Urea Fertilizer Fac¬tory Employees Uni¬on, Ghorasal Palash, Dacca and others, 1978, 7 CLC (HCD)s.6, the Industrial Relations (Regulation) Ordinance, 1975.
GM (West), Bangladesh Railway & other Vs. hairman, Labour Court, Rajshahi & another, 1986, 15 CLC (HCD)s. 34, the Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969
GM, Jamuna Oil Company Ltd. Vs. Chairman, Labour Court, 2001, 30 CLC (AD)
GM, Jamuna Oil Company Ltd. Vs. Chairman, Labour Court, Chittagong Div. & ors, 1999, 28 CLC (AD)
Golam Md. Shiblee Vs. Second Labor Court, 2008, 37 CLC (HCD)s.17(3)(b) and (g), the Employment of Labors (Standing Orders) Act, 1965 [Now stands repealed]
Government of Bangladesh Vs. Hasan Movies Ltd. and others, 1995, 24 CLC (AD)s. 5(1), the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961
Govt of Bangladesh Vs. The Chairman 2nd Labour Court, Dakha, 1978, 7 CLC (HCD)Article 102, the Constitution of Bangladesh, 1972
Grameen Bank Karmachari Union Vs. Member, Labour Appellate Tribunal Dhaka and others, 1998, 27 CLC (HCD)