Judicial Dictionary - T

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Tenant signifies someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else. Tenant is a person, persons (company or Organisation) who is/ are entitled to occupy a property under the terms and conditions of a tenancy agreement.

The English term ‘tenant’ ordinarily means an occupier of immovable property having a kind of relationship respecting the said property with another person who is generally called the ‘landlord’. The relationship of landlord and tenant generally arises when the owner of the property confers by a demise a right of exclusive possession of that property upon another person on condition of periodical payment of what is called rent. [M.H. Khandker vs. Bangladesh (1978) 30 DLR (SC) 1]

Created OnJune 1, 2011, 10:54 AM