Judicial Dictionary - I

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 1-10 of 13 results.
IddatIddat simply means waiting period. Iddat is based on menstruation, to account for iddat the talaq judgment...935
Ignorance of lawIgnorance of law means the lack of knowledge about law. Ignorance of the law does not justify an act,...1019
ImprisonmentThe expression "imprisonment" has neither been defined in the Penal Code nor in the Criminal Procedure...686
Independence of judiciaryIndependence of judiciary actually means that the judges are in a position to render justice in accordance...945
Inherent PowerInherent power is specific capacity / power of defined authority to deal with particular issues to ensure...954
Inheritance Inheritance means a hereditary succession to a title or an office or property. Inheritance is the practice...950
InjunctionInjunction is a Court order commanding a person or entity to perform or to refrain from performing a...932
InquiryAn inquiry in an action is not limited to what a man can see with his own eyes; it signifies a judicial...867
Instrumentality of the GovernmentMere performance of governmental functions by an organisation will not automatically convert an organisation...896
IntentionIntention is the state of one's mind at the time one carries out an action. It is the planning and desire...894