Legislative Dictionary - G

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Details'go-slow' means an organised deliberate and purposeful slowing down of normal output of work by a body of workers in a concerted manner, and which is not due to any mechanical defect, break-down of machinery, failure or defect in power supply or in the supply of normal materials and spare parts of machinery.

[See, section 2(i), the Employment of Labour (Standing Orders) Act, 1965 (East Pakistan Act No. VIII of 1965)] [Now stands repealed]

"go-slow" means an organised deliberate and purposeful slowing down of normal output of work by a body of workmen acting in a concerted manner, but does not include the slowing down of normal output of work which is due to mechanical defect, breakĀ­down of machinery, failure or defect in power supply or in the supply of normal materials and spare parts of machinery. [See, explanation to section 59, the Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance No. XXIII of 1969)] [Now stands repealed].
Created OnAugust 27, 2011, 4:34 AM