Judicial Dictionary - A
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Category | A |
Title | Abscond |
Details | The primary meaning of the word ‘abscond’ is to hide and when a person is
hiding from the place of residence he is said to be absconder. In the Concise
Oxford Dictionary the word "abscond" is defined as "depart
secretly; flee from the law". ( Soton @ Arif Hossain and another Vs. State, 1997, 26 CLC (HCD) [8163] ) To 'abscond' in its dictionary meaning means departing secretly, fleeing from the law. ( Bangladesh Vs. Md. Lokman Patwari and another, 1994, 23 CLC (AD) [1157] ) See also abscondence and absence. |
Created On | March 8, 2014, 6:11 AM |
Hits | 1245 |