Judicial Dictionary - A

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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“One who is in some way concerned in the commission of a crime, though not as principal” 

( Zafar Ali Vs. State, 14 DLR (SC) 174; Cross Vs. People, 47 I 11. 152, 95 Am. Dec. 474 )

An accomplice by long tradition is a notoriously infamous witness, one who being particeps criminis, purchases his immunity by accepting to accuse other. S. 114, Illustration. (b) of the Evidence Act envisages the presumptive uncredit-worthiness of an accomplice. But then S. 113 provides that a conviction is not illegal merely because it rests upon and accomplice’s uncorroborated testimony. Evidence of an accomplice to be the basis for conviction must be corroborated. 

( Nur Ali Gazi Vs. State, 13 DLR 740 )

Accomplice means a partner in a crime or a person who knowingly and voluntarily participates with another in a criminal activity. In other words an accomplice is a person who actively participates in the commission of a crime, even though they take no part in the actual criminal offence. One concerned with another or others in the commission of offence; an associate in crime or guilt. 

( Ss. 114, ill. (b), 133, the Evidence Act, 1872 and S. 192, ill. (c), the Penal Code, 1872 )  

Created OnMay 8, 2010, 7:37 PM