Judicial Dictionary - A

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Contract to enter into a contract

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TitleContract to enter into a contract

The phrase ''contract to enter into a contract" was explained by the Court of Appeal in 1924 C.A.97 (at P.I 14): "The true meaning of the phrase is that the Court will not enforce "a contract to make a second contract parts of the terms of which are indeterminate and have yet to be agreed, so that there is not any definite contract at all which can be enforced, but only an agreement for a contact some of the terms of which are not yet agreed."

H.N. Fabrics Ltd. Vs. Mallick Textile IndusĀ­tries and others, 1985, 14 CLC (AD) [3205]

Created OnMarch 9, 2014, 6:17 AM