Glossary - S

Displaying 141-150 of 169 results.
SradhaAn obsequial ceremony in which food and water are offered to diseased ancestors of the offerer, or to...256
Sri RamaOne of the Avathars of Vishnu; Rama whose name in this form is also used as a term of salutation between...224
SridhanaWoman’s separate property in Hindu Law. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]222
SritiSee Smriti.177
SrutiHearing, applied especially to the Vedas collectively in contradiction to the Smriti law. [Wilson’s...226
SthanPlace, sir, station, an open place in town, also the residence of a religious mendicant; also a staying,...208
SthapatiAn architect.   A carpenter, wheel wright, a mason, a master carpenter or mason; a guard of the female...288
Sthol, SthalaSpot, site place, firm ground, whence, in some of dialects, a field, a portion of land, comprising several...199
StriA woman, a wife, a female. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]206
Stridhan, StridhanaAccording to Hindu Law, stridhan means such property of a woman over which she has full and unrestricted...254