Latin Terms and Phrases - A
Displaying 11-20 of 58 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Alibi | At another place, elsewhere. | 345 |
Amiables compositeurs | Agreements permiting the arbitrators to decide the dispute according to the legal principles they believe... | 365 |
Amicus Curiae | Latin for "friend of the court." Refers to a party that is allowed to provide information (usually in... | 400 |
Audi alterem partem | Hear the other party. It is one of the principles of natural justice that before condemning a person,... | 420 |
Autrefois acquit | French word now part of English criminal law terminology. Refers to an accused who cannot be tried for... | 498 |
Avunculus | A mother's brother. "Avuncular" refers to an uncle. | 432 |
Judex est just dicere, nin dare | It is for the judge to declare law but not to make law. | 328 |
Jus civile | Civil law. | 309 |
Jus dare | To give or to make the law. Jus dare belongs to the legislature; jus dicere to the judge. | 324 |
Jus dicere | To declare the law. This word is used to explain the power which the court has to expound the law; and... | 331 |