Latin Terms and Phrases - D

Latin Terms and Phrases - D

Displaying 1-10 of 17 results.
De bonis non / de bonis non administratiA word used exclusively in estate matters and refers to situations where an estate is abandoned by an...433
De factoAs a matter of fact; something which, while not necessarily lawful or legally sanctified, exists in fact....424
De jureLatin term for "of the law." The term has come to describe a total adherence of the law. For example,...423
De minimis non curat lex or de minimisInsignificant or too small to bother with.407
De novoLatin term for new. This term is used to refer to a trial which starts over, which wipes the slate clean...398
Decree nisiA provisional decision of a court which does not have force or effect until a certain condition is met...453
DehorsFrench for outside. In the context of legal proceedings, it refers to that which is irrelevant or outside...418
Delegatus non potest delegare One of the pivotal principles of administrative law: that a delegate cannot delegate. In other words,...543
Dicta or dictumAn observation by a judge on a matter not specifically before the court or not necessary in determining...440
Doli incapaxIncapable of crime.392