Latin Terms and Phrases - D
Displaying 1-10 of 17 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
De bonis non / de bonis non administrati | A word used exclusively in estate matters and refers to situations where an estate is abandoned by an... | 383 |
De facto | As a matter of fact; something which, while not necessarily lawful or legally sanctified, exists in fact.... | 368 |
De jure | Latin term for "of the law." The term has come to describe a total adherence of the law. For example,... | 354 |
De minimis non curat lex or de minimis | Insignificant or too small to bother with. | 353 |
De novo | Latin term for new. This term is used to refer to a trial which starts over, which wipes the slate clean... | 346 |
Decree nisi | A provisional decision of a court which does not have force or effect until a certain condition is met... | 402 |
Dehors | French for outside. In the context of legal proceedings, it refers to that which is irrelevant or outside... | 363 |
Delegatus non potest delegare | One of the pivotal principles of administrative law: that a delegate cannot delegate. In other words,... | 449 |
Dicta or dictum | An observation by a judge on a matter not specifically before the court or not necessary in determining... | 377 |
Doli incapax | Incapable of crime. | 334 |