Latin Terms and Phrases - E

Latin Terms and Phrases - E

Displaying 1-10 of 10 results.
e.g. / Exempli gratia As for example.393
Ejusdem generis Of the same kind or nature. It is one of the popular instruments of statutory interpretation that where...402
EstoppleA rule of evidence which precludes a person from denying the truth of some statement made by him of the...502
etc. / Et ceteraOther things of that type.356
Ex aequo et bonoA case decided on the basis of what is just and fair under the circumstances, [Reference: Article 38(2),...388
Ex debito justiciaeFrom what is due of right. As a matter of right or discretionary right. See, Motiur Rahman Vs. May Industries...413
Ex gratiaOut of kindness, voluntary.379
ex mero motuOut of mere impulse; of one's own accord. This phrase is used to describe acts that a Court of law may...530
Ex parteIn the absence of one party.358
Ex turpi causa non oritur actioNo action arises on an immoral contract.382