Latin Terms and Phrases - A
Displaying 51-58 of 58 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Res Judicata Pro veritate Accipitur | A thing adjudicated is received as the truth. A judicial decision is conclusive as between the parties,... | 404 |
Res sub judice | 'Under judgment'. See, for better understanding, section 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act... | 329 |
Salus populi est suprema lex | Regard for the public welfare is the highest law | 271 |
Sine qua non | (a condition) without which it could not be or "without which (there is) nothing." | 287 |
Stare Decisis | To stand by that which has been decided. The principle of binding precedent whereby the decision in one... | 286 |
Sub silentio | Under silence. | 260 |
Subpoena | Under Punishment. An order from a court for a person to appear at a trial under punishment for failure... | 264 |
Suo moto | Upon one's own initiative. Usually used when a court of law, upon its own initiative, (i.e., no petition... | 277 |