Latin Terms and Phrases - E
Displaying 1-10 of 10 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
e.g. / Exempli gratia | As for example. | 423 |
Ejusdem generis | Of the same kind or nature. It is one of the popular instruments of statutory interpretation that where... | 438 |
Estopple | A rule of evidence which precludes a person from denying the truth of some statement made by him of the... | 532 |
etc. / Et cetera | Other things of that type. | 382 |
Ex aequo et bono | A case decided on the basis of what is just and fair under the circumstances, [Reference: Article 38(2),... | 417 |
Ex debito justiciae | From what is due of right. As a matter of right or discretionary right. See, Motiur Rahman Vs. May Industries... | 440 |
Ex gratia | Out of kindness, voluntary. | 408 |
ex mero motu | Out of mere impulse; of one's own accord. This phrase is used to describe acts that a Court of law may... | 565 |
Ex parte | In the absence of one party. | 383 |
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio | No action arises on an immoral contract. | 406 |