Latin Terms and Phrases - D
Displaying 11-17 of 17 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Dominion directum | The qualified ownership of a landlord, not having possession or use of property but retaining ownership.... | 315 |
Dominion utile | The property rights of a tenant. While not owning the property in a legal sense, the tenant, as having... | 554 |
Donatio mortis causa | A death-bed gift, made by a dying person, with the intent that the person receiving the gift shall keep... | 399 |
Duces tecum | Bring with you. Used most frequently for a species of subpoena (as in "subpoena duces tecum") which seeks... | 316 |
Dum casta | For so long as she remains chaste. Separation agreements years ago used to contain dum casta clauses... | 362 |
Dum sola | For so long as she remains unmarried | 309 |
Dum vidua | For so long as she remains a widow. | 296 |