Legislative Dictionary

The Parliament of Bangladesh is the supreme law making authority and it has either adopted or enacted as many as 956 Acts, Ordinances and Orders till January, 2007 and in these laws hundreds of words have been defined or interpreted or explained to give effect to the true meaning of the laws. In this dictionary, we have included basically the terms which are defined in English [from 1987, the laws of Bangladesh have been being enacted in Bengali with some exception] and gradually we shall include all the terms defined or interpreted or explained in the laws of the land.

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 251-260 of 453 results.
Domestic Servant"Domestic servant" includes every person who renders domestic services (i. e., services pertaining to...290
Dowry"Dowry" means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly—...300
Drawee in case of needWhen in the bill or in any endorsement thereon the name of any person is given in addition to the drawee...322
Drawer, DraweeThe maker of a bill of exchange or cheque is called the "drawer"; the person thereby directed to pay...325
Drug"Drug" includes— (i) all medicines for internal or external use of human beings or animals, and all...313
Duly Stamped"Duly stamped", as applied to an instrument, means that the instrument bears an adhesive or impressed...389
EasementAn easement is a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial...429
Easement, CustomaryAn easement may be acquired in virtue of a local custom. Such easements are called customary easements....469
East Bengal Act"East Bengal Act" shall mean an Act made by the Provincial Legislature of East Bengal under the Government...433
East Pakistan Act"East Pakistan Act" shall mean an Act made by the Provincial Legislature of East Pakistan. [See section...434