Legislative Dictionary - C

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 1-10 of 123 results.
Candidate"Candidate" means a person who has been nominated as a candidate at any election and includes a person...596
Cannon"Cannon" includes also all howitzers, mortars, wall-pieces, mitrailleuses and other ordnance and machine-guns,...665
Casual worker'Casual worker' means a worker whose employment is of a casual nature. [See, section 2 (b), the Employment...653
Cattle"Cattle" includes also elephants, camels, buffaloes, horses, mares, geldings, ponies, colts, fillies,...704
Cattle doing damage to a public plantationCattle trespassing in a reserved forest or in any portion of a protected forest which has been lawfully...663
Cellular ConfinementCellular confinement means such confinement with or without labour as entirely secludes a prisoner from...754
Central Act"Central Act" shall mean an Act of the Central Legislature and shall include, except in section 5, an...640
Central Legislature"Central Legislature" shall mean the Governor General in Council acting in a legislative capacity under...753
Certificate-debtor"Certificate-debtor" means the person named as debtor in a certificate filed under this Act, and includes...746
Certificate-holder"Certificate-holder" means the Government or person in whose favour a certificate has been filed under...696