Legislative Dictionary - L

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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"Landlord" means a person immediately under whom a tenant holds, and includes the Government.

[See, section 3 (6), the Bengal Tenancy Act,1885 (Act No. VIII of 1885)]. [Now stands repealed by the East Bengal Act No. XXVIII of 1951].

"landlord" means a person immediately under whom a tenant holds and includes a landlord in khas possession and also the Government.

[See, section 2(4), the Agriculture and Sanitary Improvement Act, 1920 (Bengal Act No. VI of 1920)].

"Landlord" means a person immediately under whom a non-agricultural tenant holds.

[See, section 2 (3), the Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949 (East Bengal Act No. XXII of 1949)].

Created OnSeptember 18, 2011, 7:01 AM