Legislative Dictionary

The Parliament of Bangladesh is the supreme law making authority and it has either adopted or enacted as many as 956 Acts, Ordinances and Orders till January, 2007 and in these laws hundreds of words have been defined or interpreted or explained to give effect to the true meaning of the laws. In this dictionary, we have included basically the terms which are defined in English [from 1987, the laws of Bangladesh have been being enacted in Bengali with some exception] and gradually we shall include all the terms defined or interpreted or explained in the laws of the land.

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 71-80 of 453 results.
Brothel"brothel" means any house, part of a house, room or place in which two or more females carry on prostitution,...376
Burden of ProofWhoever desires any court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability dependent on the existence...384
Business"Business" includes any trade, commerce or manufacture or any adventure or concern in the nature of trade,...369
Buyer"Buyer" means a person who buys or agrees to buy goods. [See, section 2 (1), the Sale of Goods Act, 1930...362
Candidate"Candidate" means a person who has been nominated as a candidate at any election and includes a person...468
Cannon"Cannon" includes also all howitzers, mortars, wall-pieces, mitrailleuses and other ordnance and machine-guns,...536
Casual worker'Casual worker' means a worker whose employment is of a casual nature. [See, section 2 (b), the Employment...536
Cattle"Cattle" includes also elephants, camels, buffaloes, horses, mares, geldings, ponies, colts, fillies,...590
Cattle doing damage to a public plantationCattle trespassing in a reserved forest or in any portion of a protected forest which has been lawfully...538
Cellular ConfinementCellular confinement means such confinement with or without labour as entirely secludes a prisoner from...574