Glossary - A

Displaying 1-10 of 93 results.
AbadCultivated as a village or tract of country; the reverse of Wiran, waste, deserted. [Mitra’s Legal...1122
Abad-karnaAbad-karna Means,to introduce or extend cultivation or population, to settle, to people; whence may arise...1067
AbadiThe part of village lands on which dwellings are erected. [Wilson’s Glossary] A house site in a village...1000
AbadkariRight derived from the first clearing away and occupying land. [Wilson’s Glossary]990
AbdaA term used in Eastern Bengal and Chittagong to denote the period during which a party who reclaims waste...1011
AbdarA servant whose office it is to prepare water for domestic use or for drinking. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s...969
Abdar-KhanaThe room where drinking water is kept in suitable earthen vessels. [P Ramanatha Aiyer’s The Law Lexicon]998
Abhaya-patraA written document in assurance of safety, a safe conduct. [Wilson’s Glossary]951
Abhayed dindimaA proclamation by beat of drum (dindima) of general security to all who submit in the case of a captured...987
AbhijogPlaint, complaint, beginning of a suit. [Wilson’s Glossary]990