Legislative Dictionary

The Parliament of Bangladesh is the supreme law making authority and it has either adopted or enacted as many as 956 Acts, Ordinances and Orders till January, 2007 and in these laws hundreds of words have been defined or interpreted or explained to give effect to the true meaning of the laws. In this dictionary, we have included basically the terms which are defined in English [from 1987, the laws of Bangladesh have been being enacted in Bengali with some exception] and gradually we shall include all the terms defined or interpreted or explained in the laws of the land.

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 381-390 of 453 results.
Individual and Individual Debtor"Individual" means a natural person and "individual debtor" means a debtor who is an individual. [See,...233
IndorsementWhen the maker or holder of a negotiable instrument signs the same, otherwise than as such maker, for...246
Indorsement in Blank and in Full(1) If the indorser signs his name only, the indorsement is said to be "in blank," and if he adds a direction...264
Industrial Dispute"industrial dispute" means any dispute or difference between employers and employers or between employers...247
Industrial Establishment"industrial establishment" means any — (a) tramway or motor omnibus service; (b) dock, wharf or jetty;...369
Industrial Undertaking"industrial undertaking" means,— (a) any concern engaged in— (i) the manufacture or production of...262
Industry"industry" means any business, trade, manufacture, calling, service,  employment or occupation. [See,...239
Inhabitant"inhabitant" shall include persons who themselves or by their agents or servants occupy or hold land...249
InjuryThe word "injury" denotes any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation...246
InlandThe expression "inland," used in relation to a postal article, means— (i) posted in Bangladesh and...250