Legislative Dictionary - I

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Industrial Undertaking

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TitleIndustrial Undertaking

"industrial undertaking" means,—

(a) any concern engaged in—

(i) the manufacture or production of any article or commodity,

(ii) the supply or distribution of light, power, gas or water,

(iii) the supply or maintenance of any kind of mechanized transport;

(b) any concern engaged in installing equipment or erecting premises or preparing and producing designs for, or testing the products of, any concern referred to in sub-clause (a);

(c) any technical training establishment or centre; and

(d) any other undertaking which the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare to be an indus­trial undertaking for the purpose of this Ordinance.

[See, section 2 (4), the Control of Employment Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance No. XXXII of 1965)].

Created OnSeptember 18, 2011, 6:20 AM