Legislative Dictionary

The Parliament of Bangladesh is the supreme law making authority and it has either adopted or enacted as many as 956 Acts, Ordinances and Orders till January, 2007 and in these laws hundreds of words have been defined or interpreted or explained to give effect to the true meaning of the laws. In this dictionary, we have included basically the terms which are defined in English [from 1987, the laws of Bangladesh have been being enacted in Bengali with some exception] and gradually we shall include all the terms defined or interpreted or explained in the laws of the land.

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 401-410 of 453 results.
Interest"Interest" means rate of interest and includes the return to be made over and above what was actually...232
Interest in Expectancy"interest in expediency" includes an estate in remainder or reversion and every other future interest...228
InterruptionNothing is an interruption within the meaning of this section, unless where there is an actual discontinuance...214
IntestateA person is deemed to die intestate in respect of all property of which he has not made a testamentary...220
Invention"invention" means any manner of new manufacture and includes an improvement and an alleged invention....228
Investigation"investigation" includes all the proceedings under this Code for the collection of evidence conducted...247
Issue and DescendantsIn a will— the words "issue" and "descendants" apply to all lineal descendants whatever of the person...231
Issue of Capital"issue of capital" means the issuing of any securities whether for cash or otherwise. [See, section 2(a),...234
IssuesIssues arise when a material proposition of fact or law is affirmed by the one party and denied by the...236
Joint Stock Company(1) For the purposes of this part, so far elates to registration of companies limited by shares, a joint-...523