Legislative Dictionary - I

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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A person is deemed to die intestate in respect of all property of which he has not made a testamentary disposition which is capable of taking effect.


(i) A has left no will. He has died intestate in respect of the whole of his property.

(ii) A has left a will, whereby he has appointed B his executor; but the will contains no other provisions. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of his property.

(iii) A has bequeathed his whole property for an illegal purpose. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of his property.

(iv) A has bequeathed 1,000 taka to B and 1,000 taka to the eldest son of C, and has made no other bequest; and has died leaving the sun of 2,000 taka and no other property. C died before A without having ever had a son. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of 1,000 taka.

[See, section 30, the Succession Act, 1925 (Act No. XXXIX of 1925)].
Created OnSeptember 18, 2011, 6:39 AM