Legislative Dictionary

The Parliament of Bangladesh is the supreme law making authority and it has either adopted or enacted as many as 956 Acts, Ordinances and Orders till January, 2007 and in these laws hundreds of words have been defined or interpreted or explained to give effect to the true meaning of the laws. In this dictionary, we have included basically the terms which are defined in English [from 1987, the laws of Bangladesh have been being enacted in Bengali with some exception] and gradually we shall include all the terms defined or interpreted or explained in the laws of the land.

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 281-290 of 453 results.
Entertainment"entertainment" includes any cinema show, theatrical performance, musical performance, amusement, exhibition,...309
Entry"entry" means entry by water, land or air.  [See, section 2, the Passport Act, 1920 (Act No. XXXIV of...301
Essential Personnel"essential personnel" includes all persons normally exercising or following any of the professions, occupations...309
Essential Work"essential work" means any work relating to the manufacture, production, maintenance or repair of arms,...299
Establishment'establishment,' where not otherwise specified, means a shop, a commercial establishment, or an industrial...310
Estate"estate" means land included under one entry in any of the general registers of revenue-paying lands...308
Evacuee"evacuee" means a person ordinarily resident in Bangladesh, who, on account of the country-wide disturbances,...302
Evacuee Property"evacuee property" means any immovable property of which an evacuee is an owner. [See, Article 2 (d),...315
Evidence"Evidence" means and includes— (1) all statements which the court permits or requires to be made before...299
Examinee"examinee" means a person in whose name a written authority, by whatever name called, for admission to...304