Judicial Dictionary - H
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Category | H |
Title | Hat |
Details | A market, a movable market, one held only on certain days in a week, a fair. “hat” or “bazar” means any place where persons assemble daily or on particular days in a week primarily for the purposes of buying or selling agricultural or horticultural produce, livestock, poultry, hides, skins, fish, eggs, milk, milk-products or any other articles of food or drink or other necessaries of life, and includes all shops of such articles or manufactured articles within such place. [Section 2(12) of the State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950 (XXVIII of 1951)] See also, Golam Hossain Khan vs. Abdul Mannaf Khan (1983) 35 DLR 331.A hat or bazar sitting once in a week is not uncommon in this country. If a hat sits once a week regularly then it will come under mischief of the SAT Act. The expression “particular days” in the definition of ‘hat or bazar’ if read together with necessary emphasis that the word ‘particular’ deserves, then it will be clear that the word ‘days’ will also include a day as well in view of the provision of the General Clauses Act and the history of relevant legislation. [Bangladesh vs. Shakhipur Islamia High School (1993) 45 DLR (AD) 23] |
Created On | April 23, 2011, 9:43 AM |
Hits | 986 |