Judicial Dictionary - R
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 1-10 of 14 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Raiyat | The term raiyat originates from an Arabic word raiyat [from ra'a] meaning etymologically, 'a herd at... | 766 |
Rape | Rape apart from being a dehumanizing act is an unlawful intrusion on the right of privacy and sanctity... | 740 |
Reasonable grounds | A court acts under section 344 of the Code of Criminal Procedure upon reasonable grounds. What constitute... | 613 |
Record | A written account of all the acts and proceedings in a lawsuit. A written memorial made by a public officer... | 641 |
Record-of-Rights | Entries in record of rights maintained in official course of business are relevant piece of evidence.... | 707 |
Redemption | Redemption as general term meaning to set loose or release a person from bondage Redemption is the right... | 648 |
Remedial enactment | A "remedial enactment" is one which improves and facilitates remedy already existing for the enforcement... | 580 |
Rent | Rent has been defined in Article 3(37) of the Basic Democracies Order in the following words: "3. (37)... | 567 |
Res Judicata | Res judicata (derived from "res iudicata", Latin for "a thing decided"), more commonly res judicata in... | 687 |
Resident | 'Resident' ordinarily means inhabitant of a place; it may be permanent or it may be temporary. Temporary... | 677 |