Judicial Dictionary - M
Judicial Dictionary
Legislative Dictionary
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
Title | Details | Hits |
Mala fides | Mala fides signify with or in bad faith. Mala fide is to be alleged with particularity- Assertion of... | 818 |
Malice | Malice means unjustified, inexcusable intent to commit a wrongful, legally evil act. Malice is a legal... | 830 |
Malicious Prosecution | Malicious prosecution is a merit less civil or criminal action instituted solely to harass the defendant.... | 768 |
Malikana | Malikana means ownership or ownership rights. Section 3 (The SAT Act, 1950) is clear indicator of the... | 856 |
Mandatory injunction | Mandatory injunction requiring the performance of some specific act. An injunctive order issued by a... | 774 |
Marshalling | Marshalling is meant to protect the junior creditor from the effect of choices of enforcement strategy... | 761 |
Mischief | The etymology of the word comes from Old French mischief, which means "misfortune,' from mischever, "to... | 800 |
Mortgage | A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific immoveable property for the purpose of securing... | 732 |
Murder | Murder is the intentional killing of a human being. It includes causing serious physical injury leading... | 711 |