Judicial Dictionary - A

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 1-10 of 41 results.
Abandoned PropertyProperty in respect of which no claim is made for a specified and reasonable time by the true owner....2676
AbetmentAbetment is an offence by itself and unless it is specifically made punishable in a special Act a person...2346
AbscondThe primary meaning of the word ‘abscond’ is to hide and when a person is hiding from the place of...1261
AbscondenceAbscondence of an accused does not automatically amount to evidence of guilty mind and abscondence is...1294
Absconder“Without passing such an order the Senior Special Tribunal could not have treated the appellant as...1107
AbsenceWe cannot give any other meaning to the word 'absence' than the one referred to in section 15 [The Local...1127
AbsolutelyThe expression ‘absolutely’ means completely, wholly, without qualification; without reference or...1075
Abusing the process of the CourtThe expression "abusing the process of the Court" is generally applied to a proceeding which is wanting...1076
Acceptance An acceptance must be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner, unless the proposal prescribes the...2508
Accomplice“One who is in some way concerned in the commission of a crime, though not as principal”  (...2270