Judicial Dictionary - S

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 1-10 of 16 results.
Same transactionThe expression 'same transaction' has not been defined [section 235 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898],...565
SatisfactionSatisfaction is the mental act and after being satisfied what is done is the result of that mental act....451
Secondary EvidenceSecondary evidence is that evidence which is copied or compiled from other sources or that is written...579
Self defenceSelf-defense usually refers to the use of violence to protect oneself/property and is a possible justification...532
SentenceThe question of sentence is in the discretion of the Court which finds the accused guilty on a certain...556
Separation of share from joint holding or tenancyThe term 'separation' is not a legal term like "amalgamation" or "subdivi­sion"; it is not used in section...482
Set-offSet-off signifies counterclaim; a cross debt or demand; a distinct claim filed or set up by the defendant...526
Sibling DNA TestSibling DNA Test is often performed when an alleged father is unavailable for DNA Paternity Test’ and...583
SmugglingSmuggling is an illegal transport, in particular across a border. In smuggling taxes are avoided; or...621
SodomySodomy means any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially...624