Judicial Dictionary - B

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Displaying 1-10 of 21 results.
BailBail is to set free or liberate a person arrested or imprisoned on taking security for his appearance. ...2245
Bainama A certificate of sale granted by court after confirmation; A written agreement to sell a thing accompanied...1793
Bainama A certificate of sale granted by court after confirmation; A written agreement to sell a thing accompanied...1704
Balance sheetThe balance sheet shows the profit and loss account or reserves at a reduced figure and the issued capital...875
BankruptAn individual who has been adjudged bankrupt and, in relation to a bankruptcy order it means the individual...1172
Barga ContractAn agreement by which the cultivator engages to pay the landlord half the produce, the latter providing...1428
Benami TransactionAny transaction in which property is transferred to one person for a consideration paid or provided by...3391
BeneficiaryBeneficiary is one who is beneficially entitled to, or interested in property; that is, entitled to it...1517
Benefit of DoubtThe advantage derived from doubt about guilt, a possible error or the weight of the evidence. In a criminal...1426
Best evidenceBest evidence connotes primary evidence; the best evidence available. Evidence short of this is "secondary....1188