Judicial Dictionary - L

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Limitation means the period of limitation prescribed for any suit, appeal or application. Courts of Law cannot be approached beyond fixed period. It is for general welfare that a period be put on litigation. Further, it is a general principle of law that law is made to protect only diligent and vigilant people. Law will not protect people who are careless about their rights.

TheĀ general governing law in this respect is contained in the Limitation Act, 1908 (Act IX of 1908).

If an appeal is dismissed on ground of limitation, conflicting decision is likely in the in the other appeal against the same judgment when decided on merit- the Limitation Act, 1908 (Act IX of 1908), Section 5. [Md. Suruzzaman vs. Bangladesh and another, 13 BLD (AD) 125]
Created OnApril 30, 2011, 5:34 AM