Judicial Dictionary - A

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Alibi postulates physical impossibility of the accused at the scene of offence by reason of his presence at some other place.

The burden of proving the plea of alibi lay on the defence. 

State Vs. Mofzzal Hossain Pramanik, 43 DLR (AD) (1991) 64A ) 

Mere submission of some papers in support of alibi is not sufficient; the papers should be produced in evidence by some witness who must face cross-examination as to whether the papers are genuine or fabricated.

( Nannu Gazi Vs. Awlad Hossain & others, 43 DLR (AD) (1991) 63 )

Plea of alibi without calling evidence in support of it is not plea at all.

( State Vs. Manzoor Ahmed, 18 DLR (SC) (1966) 444 )

See, ss. 3, 11, 153 of the Evidence Act, 1872. 

Created OnMay 8, 2010, 7:42 PM