Judicial Dictionary - R

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Review signifies reappraisal: a new appraisal or evaluation. It is a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court. Any order passed on such review is without jurisdiction when an appeal or revision against the decision itself was pending before a superior authority and the law prohibits reviewing when an appeal or revision is pending. Question of knowledge or lack of knowledge about pendency of appeal or revision irrelevant, the bar to review being complete. Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din vs. C.S. Commissioner, Lahore (1964) 16 DLR (SC) 655]

Right of review can be exercised only in case of excusable failure on the part of a party to bring to the notice of court new and important matters of error. [Abu Said Md. Idris Ali Sikder vs. Monoranjan Bagchi (1970) 22 DLR 214]

See, Section 114 and Order XLVII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (v of 1908).
Created OnMay 2, 2011, 5:46 AM