Judicial Dictionary - Z

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Zamindar means a land owner or collector of land revenue. The 'Zamindari System' is a kind of feudal system, introduced by the Mughals to collect taxes from peasants. The practice was continued under British rule. After independence, however, the system was abolished in India and Bangladesh, but is still prevailing in Pakistan.

“Zamindar” means all or any of the holders of an estate. [Section 2 of the Survey Act, 1875]

The word “zamindar” shall mean the person whose name is registered in the general register of estates paying revenue directly to Government as the proprietor of an estate so paying revenue, or the person whose name is registered in the general register of rent-free tenures as proprietor of a rent-free tenure. [Section 1 of the Village Chaukidari Act, 1870 (Rep. by P.O. 18 of 1959]

Zamindari means a person who is the owner or co-sharer of mahnal and as such has an interest in the common land of the mahal and the management of the mahal, has the right to realize the rent from tenants and, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, is liable to pay land revenue to the Government. [Ram Kishore v B. Kavindra AIR 1955 All 59]

Created OnJune 1, 2011, 11:51 AM