Legislative Dictionary - D

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Demonstrative Legacy

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TitleDemonstrative Legacy

Where a testator bequeaths a certain sum of money, or a certain quantity of any other commodity, and refers to a particular fund or stock so as to constitute the same the primary fund or stock out of which payment is to be made, the legacy is said to be demonstrative.

Explanation—The distinction between a specific legacy and a demonstrative legacy consists in this, that— Where specified property is given to the legatee, the legacy is specific; Where the legacy is directed to be paid out of specified property, it is demonstrative.


(i) A bequeaths to B 1,000 taka, being part of a debt due to him from W. He also bequeaths to C 1,000 taka to be paid out of the debt due to him from W. The legacy to B is specific, the legacy to C is demonstrate

(ii) A bequeaths to B— "ten bushels of the corn which shall grow in my field of Green Acre": "80 chests of the indigo which shall be made at my factory of Rampur": "10,000 taka out of my five per cent, promissory notes of the Government": an annuity of 500 taka "from my funded property": "1,000 taka out of the sum of 2,000 taka due to me by C": an annuity, and directs it to be paid "out of the rents arising from my taluk of Ramnagar".

(iii) A bequeaths to B— "10,000 taka out of my estate at Ramnagar", or charges it on his estate at Ramnagar: "10,000 taka, being my share of the capital embarked in a certain business". Each of these bequests is demonstrative.

[See section 150, the Succession Act, 1925 (Act No. XXXIX of 1925)].
Created OnJune 4, 2011, 4:25 AM