Legislative Dictionary - D

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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"Dependant" means any of the following relatives of a deceased workman, namely:—

(i) a widow, minor legitimate son, and unmarried legitimate daughter, or a widowed mother; and

(ii) if wholly or in part dependant on the earnings of the workman at the time of his death, a widower, a parent other than a widowed mother, a minor illegitimate son, an unmarried illegitimate daughter, a daughter legitimate or illegitimate if married and a minor or if widowed, a minor brother, an unmarried or widowed sister, a widowed daughter-in-law, a minor child of a deceased son, a minor child of a deceased daughter where no parent of the child is alive, or, where no parent of the workman is alive, a paternal grand-parent.

[See section 2(d), the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 (Act No. VIII of 1923)][Now stands repealed].

"Dependant" means any of the following relatives of a deceased subscriber to, or a depositor in, a Provident Fund, namely, a wife, husband, parent, child, minor brother, unmarried sister and a deceased son's widow and child, and, where no parent of the subscriber or depositor is alive, a parental grand-parent.

[See section 2(c), the Provident Funds Act, 1925 (Act No. XIX of 1925)].
Created OnJune 4, 2011, 4:26 AM