Legislative Dictionary - D

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary


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Details(1) Bangladesh shall consist of sessions divisions; and every session’s division shall, for the purpose of this Code, be a district or consist of districts.

(2) The Government may alter the limits or the number of such divisions and districts.

(3)The session’s divisions and districts existing when this Code comes into force shall be session’s divisions and districts respectively, unless and until they are so altered.

(4) A Metropolitan Area shall, for the purposes of this Code, be deemed to be a sessions division.

[See section 7, the Criminal Procedure Code, 1889 (Act No. V of 1989)].

"District" means the local limits of the jurisdiction of a principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction (hereinafter called a "District Court"), and includes the local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the High Court Division.

[See section 2(4), the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908)].

"District" and "sub-district" respectively mean a district and sub-district formed under this Act.

[See section 2(3), the Registration Act, 1908 (Act No. XVI of 1908)].

"District" means the local area throughout which a Collector is authorized to exercise his ordinary functions.

[See section 3, the Embankment Act, 1882 (Bengal Act No. II of 1882)]. [Repealed by East Bengal Act No. I of 1953]
Created OnJune 4, 2011, 4:44 AM