Judicial Dictionary - N

Judicial Dictionary

Legislative Dictionary

Non-agricultural land

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TitleNon-agricultural land

The expression "non-agricultural land' may represent entire land comprising in a tenancy or it may form a part as owned and possessed by the tenants on partition and because of such partition they ceased to be co-sharer in the land possessed by them separately and that pre-emption under section 24 of the Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act is available only to the co-sharer tenant in the land and that expression'non-agri­cultural land" used in section 24 of the Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act is not synonymous with the word 'holding' as used in State Acquisition and Tenancy Act. 

Abdul Mumin alias Tanu Miah Vs. Mahfujur Rahman and oth­ers, 2004, 33 CLC (AD) [3098] )

See also Rokeya Begum Vs. Md. Nurul Absar and others, 2004, 33 CLC (AD) [2261].

Created OnApril 20, 2014, 8:31 AM